“Each class feels as if it has been carefully curated just for me. Everything I needed!”
— Louise; Yoga Fundamentals Classes
“Kristen is deeply intuitive, supportive and highly-skilled. For over twenty years I have worked with her through several transitions -pregnancy and birth; grief and loss; career change and mid-life shifts. Curating personal practices designed for major life changes is her super power. Steady, true and always heart-centred, Kristen is an incredibly experienced teacher who embodies the spirit of yoga on and off the mat.”
— Kate Smith; 10 Month Self Authoring Privates Online
As a masseuse I am often referring my clients to Kristen with 100% confidence that she will therapeutically support them back into balance. Kristen really knows how to encourage her students of all backgrounds beyond their edge in a way that releases tension, rather than create more, or further injury, which I find very common these days in the 'hard and fast' yoga teaching styles. I use my body a lot for my work and I am often inclined to overuse certain parts of my body, leading to imbalances and often aches and pains. The trust and success I have gained from attending Kristen's classes I believe comes from the attention she gives to correct postural alignment and the breath. Kristen has an incredible ability to guide students through their practice so accurately with her words and gentle adjustments, that for me, it has not only prevented injury, it has increased my ability to deeply listen and be present, in and out of class. I remember a special moment one time in class when I realised how deep Kristen's teachings were of Yoga as she was not only understanding and supporting my physical challenges, she was guiding me beyond my mental and emotional challenges too. I am so grateful :)
— Stevi-Jade; Mumma, Earth Medicine; Yoga Renew Immersion, Yoga Fundamentals Classes
Kristen is a master yoga teacher who tunes in to her students on many levels and guides the practice from this space and time. My wife & I have been students for many years and ALWAYS benefit from our time in her loving hands. I recommend Kristen highly.”
— Brendan Collins; Shared Privates
“Thank you for all your guidance, understanding, patience and shared wisdom over the last years. You have been truly inspirational as a teacher. I trust you will have every success as your amazing art is spread throughout the wider human community. ”
— Michelle; Classes
Kristen’s fundamental classes form the core of my continued yoga practice. Each class is like a symphony for the body, to finely tune and create the experience of flexibility, health and well being. Always professional and totally supportive Kristen provides a space of inclusion and total acceptance of wherever we are with our practice and our unique physical challenges. Each lesson is masterfully created to match the climate, season and feeling of the group. I am so happy to be part of this dynamic and supported yoga community. Much gratitude.
— Melinda Andreas; Yoga Fundamentals Classes
“Kristen has helped me to find the centre of my core being during the changing seasons for the past 15 years. Her very deep knowledge of the human body and mind has given me insight into my own being along with a practice that will keep me safe and supple as I age."
— Stuart Eadie (A.K.A. Stukulele from Uke Mullum); Yoga Fundamentals Classes
“It’s been a little more than a week ago we finished the 5 day intensive with Kristen, and I just want to offer something of my experience, my perspective and my appreciation for the particularly fine field of opportunity Kristen invokes, with her skill, her depth of devotion to the yogic lineage she has practiced and well, for the outcome of all that …
I was reminded of how exponentially rewarding it is to just show up, and how much more potent the practice is in the company of others, each of us with our own limits, experience, and conditions of the day … and how together we create something of a field that invites and allows more transformation that we might experience on our own.
I love the beautiful reawakening of my own body’s wisdom as I am guided into those ancient forms that millions of bodies must have done throughout time. Even after time away from regular practice, the breath, the asanas, the mudras, and the mantras all seem to hold keys for self-remembering and it’s a humbling thing, not easily put into words.
Building on each day’s practice, those subtle pathways began to align, enliven and connect me to that deep, natural flow of lifeforce, ever-present yet so often rushed over and traded in for ‘busyness’, ‘progress’ or just ‘survival’ in these intense times. I have been noticing a subtle appreciation of the rhythms and cycles of my days unfolding with more kindness and self-respect, even with the challenges of the stultifying heat and discomfort in my body.
I am so grateful to be able to surrender to the masterful guidance of one who has put herself, her body and her whole life into serving this way, with a quiet, unassuming humility and skill that is rare. In these days of relentless (and often unfounded) self-promotion on social media, it can be challenging to read the truth of the matter, and to find authenticity and genuine mastery.
I trust we find the teachers we most resonate with at the right time, so this is testimony to my good fortune for reaping the rewards of Kristen’s teaching for so long."
— Nirado Griffith; Yoga Renew Immersion
“It’s been so powerful to tune back into myself. Starting the week I wasn’t sure what kind of intensity to expect from the course. I was relieved that it’s been really accessible and I don’t feel overworked or strained to get through the 1.5 hours of practice at all. The practices have been really intentional and informative based on knowledge of the elements, directions, organ systems, energy systems and related postures. Having this foundational knowledge really sets Kristen apart from other yoga teachers. I found that her simple, well-structured step-by-step instructions makes the beneficial qualities of yoga accessible for people and all our varied conditions.
After day two of the practice I could feel my emotions intensify, being a bit unsettled at the moment I thought I was feeling a bit more sensitive. However, I was humbled to find an email sent to our workshop group from Kristen letting us know that we might be experiencing some emotional shifts. I appreciate this quality of attention to the subtle energies and the power of a practice that is grounded in mindfulness. Being a part of this workshop feels like a doorway into a deeper relationship with myself. There’s not a striving to get somewhere, I simply show up to what unfolds during and after class."
— Moree Wilson; Yoga Renew Immersion
“I have found private sessions with Kristen have facilitated me into a deep stillness where a sense of bliss resides and I feel a connection with something much greater than myself”.
— C.B.; Support Worker; Shared Private Yoga
“Yoga with Kristen has been incredibly supportive of my physical and emotional well-being. Living with a debilitating chronic pain condition I have found Kristen’s sessions to be hugely beneficial in helping me manage the condition and keep it stabilised whilst restoring strength and balance to my body. Kristen works with me from exactly where I'm at when I show up, with whatever level of pain I'm in, with whatever emotional state I'm in. I’m deeply grateful for her expertise, care, wisdom and knowledge. I always leave feeling relieved and deeply grateful”.
— Flame; VS; Shared Private Yoga
“Kristen is a highly trained and experienced yoga teacher. I have practised with her for over 20 years and have continued to be amazed at her mastery and her knowledge of the human form. She is brilliant at helping you when you have injuries or physical challenges as I have over the years and every time have been taken to full healing through her finely tuned knowledge of what is appropriate for the body at the time. Am very grateful to be able to be so healthy and flexible at my age directly due to my practice of yoga with Kristen. ”
— Melinda Andreas; Yoga Privates
“The beginning of a new year can be both hopeful and somewhat daunting, and having those five days to pause, find stillness, and turn inward was truly invaluable. Despite my ongoing struggles with neck and shoulder issues, I always felt entirely supported within a non-judgmental atmosphere. Kristen's approach allowed me to work at my own pace and ease off when necessary. Her insightful instruction and extensive knowledge guided us through each movement with grace. The daily exploration of elements and unpacking of specific asanas provided a wonderful platform for deepening my understanding and bodily awareness. By the end of the week, I found myself in a calmer state with a renewed focus that is aiding me in moving forward, assimilating, and building upon the wisdom I've gained”.
— Sara; Mother & Calligrapher; Online Yoga, Yoga Renew Immersion
“Many thanks for your endless patience and the many hours of yoga and inspiration you have shared. Here’s to hoping our paths will cross again”.
— Kylie; Classes, Retreats
“Words escape me. You have and always will be an inspiration. What a Privilege”!
— Sara; Classes, Retreats